Tax Statements can be created for individual accounts and in bulk. This article details how to create a tax statement for an individual account.
Key Features
Statements can be created with many parameters:
- Statement Types: This article focuses on the parameters for Statement Types - Tax Statement.
- Statement Options. Select the type of transactions and how they are presented in the statement.
- Preview/Send Options. Generate a preview of the statement type and option combination and send via email or generate a PDF.
Before You Begin
Navigate to the specific account that needs a statement.
Generate the Statement
- On the right hand side of the Account page, under the Actions, select Create Statement.
- Under the statement selection, choose the statement type.
- Select Tax Statement.
- The first and last date of the current calendar year will auto populate.
- Determine if tax deductible payments only or both tax deductible and non-tax deductible payments will be visible on the tax statement.
- If both tax deductible and non-tax deductible payments will be visible, determine if Reversals will be on the tax statement.
- The right hand side will allow selection of what is shown on the statement and what is included with a tax statement, such as a cover letter.
- Select Preview Statement to see what the statement will look like with the chosen settings.
- When ready to send the tax statement to the people on the account, select Send Email for it to be emailed directly (a preview of the email will not be shown to the admin). Select Generate PDF to preview the tax statement and print to put in the mail.
Tax Statement Options
When selecting the Tax Statement option, the dates for the first and last day of the current year will auto populate.
Fields | Description |
1. Show Tax Deductible Components | Designate whether only tax deductible payments appear on the tax statement or if all payments will appear. |
2. Show Reversals on Tax Statement | Designate if reversals will appear on the tax statement (only visible when showing Only Tax Deductible payments on tax statement). |
3. Attach Cover Letter | Include a cover letter with the email or PDF version of the statement. Learn more about statement templates. |
4. Show Balances without Scheduled Payments | Show balances due, even if a recurring payment is set up to collect the balance. |
5. Show Future Balance (if exists) | Show balances that includes scheduled payments. |
6. Charge Types |
Display charge types:
If either of the parent charge type options are selected, a field enabling the admin to select the parent charge type(s) will appear. |
7. Special Charge Types |
Generate a statement that includes:
Charge types are indicated as special in My Lists > Charge Types. Special charge types typically print on their own statements rather than being included in annual/monthly statements. |
8. Draft Mode: Do not generate with an ID or track creation | Create a draft statement without a date so it can be regenerated in the future. Typically used in Canada. |
9. Preview Statement | Preview the statement based on above selections. |
10. Send Email | Select to send email to billing email address with statement attached. No preview of the email is provided. |
11. Generate PDF | Select to download a PDF version of the statement to admin's computer. |
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